Monday, September 26, 2011

10 Things I've Learned...

The past couple weeks have been a lot about learning...

Let's just say I learned more than ten things, but I have to start somewhere, right?

1.  Networking is always key - grow, socialize, learn - make friends, be a good friend, work together...
2.  Blogging can change your life - think it, blog it, share it.  I feel, I now think in terms of blog posts, Facebook status updates and tweets - do they always get written, not exactly, but I am certainly growing toward that. I think all my thoughts recently consisted of less than 160 characters. LOL
3.  Just like INXS said there is "Not Enough Time" - The days are never long enough, but sometimes we should just accept that what we don't finish today will still be there tomorrow and if it's not, then it wasn't meant to be. 
4.  SEO and Klout scores mean everything - not sure what these items are - well, if you work in or near social media and online marketing, you absolutely should and then you should read everything about how to make improvements. 
5.  Working from home (with kids present) isn't for the faint of heart - I love my work flexibility, love my clients, and love being able to work with my kids playing alongside of me - but let's just say it isn't for everyone and some days I ponder renting my own office space away from my house. :)
6.  Take care of #1 - so cliche, but so true. If you aren't taking care of yourself, how can you run a business or better yet someone else's business.
7. Organization will help your productivity levels soar. I know sometimes this is a tough one, the papers pile up, the work piles up, you can no longer see your desk and then simple tasks become difficult. Staying on top of the organization process definitely minimizes stress in the long run.
8. I've never been diagnosed ADD, but sometimes I don't think I could do what I do, without having it. The biggest question clients always ask is how many hours did you work on this or that - honestly, I usually cannot give an exact number. I dabble here, I dabble there - I dabble a little everywhere (Dr. Seuss-ish right?) - so clocking in specific hours per project is tough for me, but the truth is I spend a lot of time doing what I do and love each and every minute.
9. Education/Learning never ends - Graduate from college and you know everything and then you enter reality, where in reality, you know nothing. I am still learning each day - constantly, making sure I keep up with the latest news in design and social media - ensuring that I don't lose touch with the reality that is social media and it's ever-changing platforms.
10. There is a word called "No". I know, big shocker here - I learned new words this week, "No" and "I'm sorry". I would love to be able to help everyone, I love helping everyone, but there is only so much time I have available in days and weeks. 

Hope this brought you some insight - I know I could keep going, but my pillow is screaming my name. 


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